1. All the authors must be registered in the Congress.
  2. Registration must be done before the submission of papers in order to be evaluated and/or approved by the Scientific Committee.
  3. The paper submissions must be sent via email: Other way of submission used will not be accepted.
  4. The papers must be fully written and completed, following the format attached in the following link.
  5. The papers must be original and may be submitted in any language of the European Community (with Latin characters). 
  6. The official languages of the Congress will be Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  7. The deadline for the submission of the full papers is until November 1st. As a result, for printing reasons, subsequent corrections will not be allowed.
  8. The submission will be send by email to the following address:
  9. In the registration form you will find in this website the inclusion of the title, summary and name of the participants is mandatory. All approved papers will be published in the International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the INFAD Association.
  10. 10 minutes of presentation is granted for each paper submitted.
  11. Online posters will be exposed, but not the non-presential papers. They would only be published in INFAD Journal if accepted.
  12. If the paper is not accepted, the registration fee will be returned.

Download the template to write your paper

The paper may not exceed 4,500 words and shall include the following information:
1. Title.
2. Author(s),
3. Author identification data(s).
4. Abstract/Summary (mandatory in the language of communication and English).
5. Keywords (separated by semicolons).
6. Thematic area. Background of the subject to be addressed.
7. Objectives of the investigation
8. Sample and/or participants
9. Methodology and/or instruments used.
10. Results achieved.
11. Discussion.
12. Conclusions
13 Bibliographic references according to APA regulations.

The first page of the Communication must include:

– Title (no more than 85 characters, including spaces).

– Name(s) of the full author(s) (first name followed by last name).

– Job centre along with the author’s email or first author.

– Summary (no more than 300 words) and keywords in Spanish, or any other language of the European Community, plus Abstract in English (no more than 300 words), and the title, summary and keywords (separated by dot coma) in both languages is also mandatory.

The following pages are for the body of the manuscriptand different sections which must be written and sorted strictly in accordance with the regulations of the APA Publications Style Manual (last edition). Tables, figures, and illustrations will be numbered correlatively and placed within the text in a readable manner.

The text of the paper will be sent as follows:

–WORD format.

–Source: Times New Roman

– Size: 12 pt

– Font style: Normal

– Simple leading

– Justified alignment

– Paragraphs will be separated by blanks.


The accepted papers will be grouped into Thematic Tables by the Scientific Committee and 15 minutes will be given to each participant for the presentation (10 for exhibition and 5 minutes for questions). 

Posters are graphic presentations of scientific, technological or professional work. At least one of the authors must be present during the exhibition of the poster in order to explain and discuss the content with the attendants (schedule will be indicated in the program).

The poster proposal and execution will include:
1. Title.
2. Author(s).
3. Center Procedure/Email.
4. Summary (mandatory in the language of communication).
5. Keywords.
6. Background.
7. Objectives.
8. Participants.
9. Method.
10. Results.
11. Conclusions.

Other info to be considered:
1. The organization will provide the venue to place the poster.
2. The poster will usually have the following dimensions: 100 cm high by 80 cm wide (approx. DIN-A0), in vertical format. Recommendations:
-Source: Arial or Helvetica (bold)
-Size: 36 points (visibility at 1.5-2 meters)

3. The text submitted, for a possible publication if desired, will follow the same regulations of articles, communications, presentations, following APA standards. A SUMMARY WILL BE MANDATORY  (200 and 300 words, along with 4-6 keywords), which will be released in a BOOK with ISBN and Legal Deposit
4. In THE CASE OF NON-PRESENTIAL REGISTRATION, once the summary has been accepted, a PDF of the poster must be sent before the deadline set for this purpose.
5. Posters will be certified as WRITTEN COMMUNICATION.
6. The material of the accepted poster must be prepared by the author.
7. The authors will be responsible for placing the poster on the place and date assigned to them, as well as for removing it. If the authors do not withdraw it, it is understood that they have no interest in preserving it and, therefore, authorizes the Organizing Committee of the Congress to own it.
8. The poster should be referred to one of the thematic lines proposed in this congress.

The symposia are sessions focused on a common theme or problem with logical coherence between the different contributions, which will be the main objective of the interventions of the participants. These are pre-planned sessions, so at the beginning the coordinator summarizes and provides an overview of the theme of the symposium.

Each symposium must have at least a minimum of 5 presentations with their corresponding registrations, including the coordinator’s one. The Symposium proposal must be sent through the congress website as soon as possible because of organizational purposes.

The registration of a Symposium entitles to 1 registration free of charge.

The coordinator must send:

1) A unique Word document that must include:

– The general presentation of the Symposium (no more than 400 words)

– Title.

– Contact information.

– Presentation of each and every complete paper (no more than 4500 words by paper), with their respective titles, names of speakers and abstracts, following the APA Standards.

2) A separate document should include the photo and a summary of the coordinator’s CV.

The maximum duration of each symposium -and questions- will be 1 hour and 15 minutes.

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